There are 2 blogs tagged 'UCM-Pi'. You can see all of our latest blogs here.
by Ben Stinton - 13th January 2021
Apple Homekit UCM-Pi FlowsYou can copy this flow and import it, to map an input to a motion sensor in Homekit. All you need to do is update the Zone in the Cytech node, and the bridge in the Homekit node. [ { "id": "9860838e.78a9", "type": "homekit-service", "z": "aa4b52ba.85317", "isParent": true, "bridge": "53a9eb34.b6ef84", "parentService": "", "name": "OfficePIR", "serviceName": Read More
by Ben Stinton - 2nd October 2020
Cytech Comfort Node-Red Apple Homekit UCM-PiWe've just noticed that the UCM-Pi module for the Cytech Comfort alarm is now for sale at Laser. This is a product we developed with Cytech, which allows you to add a Raspberry Pi Industrial Compute 3 / 3+ module to your alarm. The pi runs a linux build making MQTT, Node-Red, openHAB and Home Assistant available and linked to your home. This means your smart home setup can now be managed with your Read More