

Cytech Zone Input to Homekit Motion Sensor

by Ben Stinton - 13th January 2021

Apple Homekit UCM-Pi Flows

You can copy this flow and import it, to map an input to a motion sensor in Homekit. All you need to do is update the Zone in the Cytech node, and the bridge in the Homekit node. [ { "id": "9860838e.78a9", "type": "homekit-service", "z": "aa4b52ba.85317", "isParent": true, "bridge": "53a9eb34.b6ef84", "parentService": "", "name": "OfficePIR", "serviceName": Read More

UCM-Pi is now out Beta and for sale

by Ben Stinton - 2nd October 2020

Cytech Comfort Node-Red Apple Homekit UCM-Pi

We've just noticed that the UCM-Pi module for the Cytech Comfort alarm is now for sale at Laser. This is a product we developed with Cytech, which allows you to add a Raspberry Pi Industrial Compute 3 / 3+ module to your alarm. The pi runs a linux build making MQTT, Node-Red, openHAB and Home Assistant available and linked to your home. This means your smart home setup can now be managed with your Read More

How to set up a Parent Child relationship with FOSElasticaBundle

by Ben Stinton - 20th May 2015

Symfony2 FOSElastica ElasticSearch

Parent Child relationships in ElasticSearch have some big disadvantages, which mean they will never be as widely used as with a relational database. For example; The child must exist on the same shared as the parent, therefore the parent must be created before the child. This make it impractical to have long chains of relationships. They only support one parent, i.e. OneToMany. ManyToMany is not p Read More

How to use Elasticsearch aliases with Symfony2 and FOSElastica

by Ben Stinton - 17th April 2015

Symfony2 FOSElastica ElasticSearch

Elasticsearch is an incredibly powerful tool which can really help speed up listings and search in your web application. However, as your app grows and your types become more complex it becomes even more important to improve your testing and make further development simpler. Aliases allow you to point different indexes for different environments, and also to seamlessly switch between them. For th Read More